2. There are 710 pages with 20 albums per page with a total album population of 14,200.
3. Generate 8 random selections between 1 and 20
using the RAND() function in excel, to determine which
albums to use as a sample. On a page albums are numbered vertically (1-10 for first column, 11-20 for second column).
4. Only sample albums released before the year 1980. There is currently no need for information on albums released later as they have almost certainly been digitized.
4. Only sample albums released before the year 1980. There is currently no need for information on albums released later as they have almost certainly been digitized.
5. Document the Artist, Album, Year of Release, whether all album songs are available on Spotify, a link to full discography if available, and whether the complete discography is available on Spotify. Keep track of data collected in the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoGfyIzs2_7adC0waUxyd1FQTjhGZGh0cGRLd3g1WFE&usp=drive_web#gid=1.
6. For albums missing from Spotify, document the artist, album title, year of release and record label of the album in question on the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoGfyIzs2_7adG9rbGVrcWozWGtfZThFbUVKRXhBd2c#gid=0 .
6. For albums missing from Spotify, document the artist, album title, year of release and record label of the album in question on the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoGfyIzs2_7adG9rbGVrcWozWGtfZThFbUVKRXhBd2c#gid=0 .
6. Repeat steps 1-6 for all pages for American Folk.
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